Pin of the Day: Craft Storage

One of the main effects Pinterest has had on me is that it has turned all of my crafty ideas into crafty…crafts. In other words, it has moved me from contemplation to ACTION! I also have gotten so many great examples of recycling, upcycling, and repurposing items I already have in my house. As my craftiness grows so does my hoard of craft supplies. So, today I am sharing some ingenious ideas from creativekeepsakes for craft supply storage.

First up is this easy repurpose of a magnetic spice rack (or you could make your own using these from Ikea on any magnetic surface). Instead of filling the jars with spices you can categorize all those little crafty bits and pieces however will work best for you.

This idea is also completely GENIUS! Use a tiered pants hanger (like this one from Target) to contain all your ribbon spools! Even for almost $20 I think this is worth it and you would probably be able to find something similar at a TJ Maxx or HomeGoods for a bit less. Also in the background of this picture is a hanging jewelry bag (like this one from Bed Bath and Beyond). I have one of these that I use for jewelry and they are pretty sturdy so I think they would be great to use as craft storage!

As I delved into more creative craft storage solutions, I found this organizer made specifically for storage from You could also use a shoe organizer, but you would not get so much variety in the sizes of the openings.

I especially love all these ideas because you can use them if you are not one of those impossibly lucky people who can devote a whole room to crafting, and instead, like me, are confined to a closet. If you already have one of these items it might be a good project for a rainy day to reorganize your craft supplies.

These ideas are all located on my Handmade Hodgepodge Board.

Pinterest strikes again!



7 responses to “Pin of the Day: Craft Storage

  1. Amaaaaaaaaaaazing! I’m always looking for new homes for my little craft tools : )

    Love your blog : )

  2. Hi, I have nominated you for Kreativ Blogger. If you wish to participate please check out my post No pressure and congratulations!
    Cheers. Tammy : )

  3. Thank you so much! Your post was so sweet! I will definitely work on nominating some bloggers of my own! Thanks again!

  4. Ria

    Those are some really good ideas for craft storage. Definitely inspiring!

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